[Metalab] Fr 14.04. -- Quantum Computing Vienna -- Entanglement 2023.1 at Metalab

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Wed Apr 12 10:38:06 CEST 2023

==> https://www.meetup.com/quantum-computing-vienna/events/292168594/

--- snip ---

= Quantum Computing Vienna =

== Entanglement 2023.1 at Metalab ==

| Quantum Computing Fundamentals
| This time we start with a talk on the fundamentals of quantum
| computing, such that we have a common understanding of the
| basic principles and what differentiates quantum from classic
| computing.
| If you have another topic, then please bring it. We have enough
| time and you can purchase something to drink at the venue. [...]
| --https://www.meetup.com/quantum-computing-vienna/events/292168594/

Where: Metalab, Wien 1., Rathausstr. 6. | Otter Space

When:  Fr 2023-04-14, 18:00 - 21:00

More:  https://www.meetup.com/quantum-computing-vienna/

Contact: Gerald S

--- snap ---  --https://metalab.at/wiki/Quantum_Computing_Vienna

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