[Screeninvader] Future

Amir Hassan amir at viel-zu.org
Sun Jun 26 12:38:02 CEST 2016

today some guys from the chaosdorf discovered the screeninvader and they  
really liked it. that happens over again when we have visitors from other  
hackerspaces. that made me think. most of you know that i considered  
making the screeninvader a commercial project - to make that clear, i now  
think that was a very silly idea.
i now think the purpose of the screeninvader is to infiltrate all the  
hackerspaces. MUHAHAHAH
i would like to start a discussion on what the screeninvader needs to be  
easily reusable by other hackerspaces and how to achieve those things.

My ideas:
- A build server with continuous delivery - building a disk image for each  
and every commit (like we already had).
- A plugin architecture so that other hackerspaces could easily customize  
their instances and share what they did
- Support for multiple (web) interfaces on one instance
- Some kind of presentation, so that people can discover the screeninvader  
online and don't need a live demonstration at the Metalab Lounge.

Please help me figure out how to get this right.


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