[Metalab] Vapour phase soldering with a deep fryer (was: Reflow Ofen)

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Mon Jan 24 21:23:12 CET 2022

On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:55:43 +0100 Johannes Střelka-Petz via Metalab wrote:

> > https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-2021-chaosstudiohamburg-431-vapour-phase-soldering-with-a-deep-fryer

> - WMF Küchenminis Mini Fryer with Grease/Oil, Deep Fryer with Potato Slicer,
    1000 W, Removable Oil Container, for Crispy Fries, Matte Stainless Steel 
>   https://smile.amazon.de/-/en/K%C3%BCchenminis-Grease-Removable-Container-Stainless/dp/B08JCLPNZT
>   - € 108.9

> - Galden LS 230 400g
>   https://de.beta-layout.com/elektronik-shop/loettechnik-zubehoer/10686-galden-ls-230-400g/
>   - € 88

Danke für die Einkaufsliste zu diesem Projekt, Johannes.

Ein Kommentar zum selben Video auf Youtube (s.u.) zeigt halt auf,
dass Galden in der Atmosphäre leider enorm *klimaschädlich* ist.
Ein perfluorierten Ether der laut dt. Umweltbundesamt ein
10300-mal größeres Treibhauspotential haben soll als CO2  :-((

Klar, schon aufgrund des hohen Preises wird versuchen werden,
dass möglichst wenig als Dampf entflüchtet aber das klingt mir
nach einem No-Go statt nach entspanntem Bastelspaß.

--> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiEU2uqPdsE  

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vor 3 Wochen (bearbeitet)

Good presentation. Sadly, I saw in a report from the German
Environment Agency that 1 kg of PFPE (Galden) is as worse as
10300 kg of CO2. So, releasing even small amounts of the
stuff into the atmosphere can have a large impact to the

vor 3 Wochen

hey there. do you have any source on that claim?

vor 3 Wochen

 @tlrg2  Sure. My comment was based on this report (1) from
2015, which is written in German. On page 29 it covers
PFPMIE (PFPE) that it is sold as Galden and has a global
warming potential of 10300. They mention also that it is
used for vapor phase soldering and that even small amounts
are relevant to the climate.

I also found this more recent document (2) with a lots of
tables from 2019. On page 5 it shows the same number for
PFPMIE. It also states the source for the number, which
seems to be the IPCC report from 2007 (3). On page 23 and
213 you can find the same numbers.

Moreover, I found this other report (4) in German (see page
63). Interestingly, the manufacturer seems to state to the
authors that it no longer produces PFPMIE and switched to
other PFPE variants that do not need reporting for produced
amounts under EU regulation. For the global warming
potential of their new PFPE products the authors assume that
it is in the same ballpark of around 10000.

I am really bad at chemistry, so I can not tell you how bad
this stuff really is. My personal conclusion is just to stay
away from it for my private projects and continue to use the
good old oven method.

(1) https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/378/publikationen/climate_change_17_2015_implementierung_der_ab_dem_berichtsjahr_2013.pdf
(2) https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/2503/dokumente/treibhauspotentiale_ausgewaehlter_verbindungen_und_deren_gemische.pdf
(3) https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/05/ar4_wg1_full_report-1.pdf
(4) https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/52/098/52098145.pdf?r=1
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