[Metalab] Frauen* bei Funkfeuer und in Meshnetzwerken

Jay Vaughan seclorum at icloud.com
Wed May 15 12:54:58 CEST 2019

(WARNING: 2¢ from a WPM.)

> On 15.05.2019, at 12:26, Sonja Pellumbi <sonjapellu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Zu Jay: Degrading ist in erster Linie die Antwort "... is the dumbest thing ever". Vielleicht ist so ein Umgang ja ein Teilgrund, warum es ein Bedürfnis gibt, Workshops zu haben, die für manche nicht zugänglich sind? 

On the contrary, it would be a reason to keep workshops open for all, as I, and many other of my less-prejudiced colleagues would certainly attend to try to understand why injecting sexuality-culture into technology is, in any way, not degrading to technology as a subject - or to put it another way, how sexist culture is in any way helpful to technology - and btw, I mean degrading in the full scientific, technical sense of the term.  Technology has always been flat - a woman can use a hammer as well as any man, is it not the case?  You don’t have to be gay to use a compiler, do you?  Should this change in some way?  Should we make hammers that only a few can use?  

Well, then a workshop on, e.g., how to make technology better for non-cis/non-binary members of society would be immensely interesting to many technologists, some of whom would, undoubtedly, be men, and excluding them from such a discussion would - given the predominance of white, privileged males over technology - be a mistake.

(WARNING: 2¢ from a WPM.)


Jay Vaughan
seclorum at icloud.com

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