[Metalab] food hacking base events tomorrow and on Wednesday 23/9 - Korean dinner and kombucha is easy

Frantisek Apfelbeck algoldor at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 21 23:59:02 CEST 2015

Hi to all from Food Hacking Base,we have arrived to Metalab and unloaded all our gear. I would like to ask first of all if someone can be at Metalab around 10:00-11:00 on Tuesday morning (tomorrow) or so so we can enter the place and second if someone would have a couch for next two nights or so, otherwise we have to camp around Vienna :-)
Now about the program of action. We are getting ready for tomorrows Korean Healing Table prepared by my girlfriend Eunha

which is tasty introduction to the Korean cuisine - you are all invited, we can host up to 30 people, all donation based no one turned away for lack of funds. If you want to come and help with preparations please show up around 17:00 and for food bit before 20:30.
On Wednesday 20:00 we will do Kombucha is Easy workshop 

which will teach you how to make probiotic beverages and in this case we will actually taste also some other stuff like which has alcohol like rakia etc. just to get some extra attention.
Our goal is to promote the food, drink and bio hacking in the hacker community, the ones who were around CCC events already know what we are after, for the ones who did not met us yet, this is your chance. We aim to get enough resources to be able to hit the next place which in this case is C-Base in Berlin where we do events this Saturday and Sunday.
We hope to see many of you tomorrow and the day after and thanks to Hetti and Overflo for the help to get in touch with your community!
Frantisek and Eunha

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker

"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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