[Metalab] darüber sollte man nachdenken wenn man wählen geht

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Tue Jan 15 18:08:45 CET 2013

> Weil bei den Umgangsformen in dieser Diskussion bisher... I am very
> offended.

I feel we have a long way to go with the Tolerance discussion, but I am very eager to discuss the Austrian-Military-Industrial-Machine and its principles of brainwashing of the Austrian youth, with great disgust.  Since I have two future Austrian soldiers currently biting my ankles and leaving their expensive toys all over the place for tender old-persons feet to tear themselves to shreds upon, I relish the idea of some fancy 9 month vacation from it all.  {Not really; we'd flee as a family before we let anyone tell us our kids *need* to learn to use weapons of warfare.. but the fantasy of having the blighters sod off for a while and let someone else deal with their ass-wiping, appeals to me.  Funny, that.}

But let us have a great big flaming argument in person about this militarization of society and indoctrination of its youth some time, it will be fun .. when?

Jay Vaughan

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