[Metalab] gesucht: 3d modeller für zusammenarbeit mit künstler.

peter purgathofer purg at igw.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Dec 5 13:23:05 CET 2013

hallo allerseits, 

ich möchte die kollektive aufmerksamkeit ganz kurz auf einen künstler lenken, der support in form von 3D-modelling expertise braucht/sucht. am ehesten, dachte ich mir, findet sich in dieser community jemand. 


- - - - - 8< - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - 8< - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - 8< - - - - -

I am looking for a person who is able to design an object/sculpture and prepare it for printing on 3D nano level. I need an experienced or ready to experience, playful and technical person who will join in creation of the first 3D nano sculpture. An artistic quality or interest is welcome.

Respecting deadlines is an important request. 

This inquiry is is for the project HOSPITALITY-by Bogomir Doringer. An artist who for the last 7 years has been busy with investigation of the subject directly related to the depleted uranium and it's consequences on humans. 

More info on the project is here:

For more info please contact directly an artist on bogomirdoringer at yahoo.co.uk 

There is a financial support for this activity. Work will be presented as part of the exhibitions internationally. 

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