[Metalab] Transmediale reSource Trial Crack Dokumentation

Matthias Tarasiewicz parasew at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 09:58:36 CET 2012

hallo liste!

evtl. interessant für einige von euch:
Die Dokumentation des Diskussionsevents "reSource Trial Crack" der
Transmediale vom letzten Mai in Berlin ist online. Der Content ist zwar
Berlin-spezifisch, es sind aber zB. sicher einige interessante Ansätze, die
sich auch für die Communities in Wien ableiten lassen. Empfehlenswert hier
v.a. das Panel mit Gregor Sedlak von der C-Base.

Um auch den Bogen zum letzten Diskussionsevent im Metalab zu spannen:
Clemens Apprich ist einer der Herausgeber des Buchs "Vergessene Zukunft
- Radikale Netzkulturen in Europa".


The *reSource 001:Trial Crack* took place on May 11-12 at General Public,
Berlin, involving artists, hackers, and gender-situated communities in
three different but conceptually linked discussions: “Sustainable
Disruption”, “Post Privacy” and “Queer Shifts”.

The panel on *Sustainable Disruption* reflected on the status of capitalism
in a time of crisis, proposing both critical, playful and sustainable
alternatives by intervening directly within economical and political
Rasa Smite (LV) and Philip Horst (DE). Moderated by Clemens Apprich
(DE). Alexander Müller (DE) and Georgios Papadopoulos (GR). Moderated by
Oliver-Lerone Schutz (DE).

The *Post Privacy* panel reflected on the problematic of openness towards
data protection, as a consequence of the contemporary economy of
user-generated contents.
"tante"/ Jürgen Geuter (DE) and "mspro"/Michael Seeman (DE), from the
sub-movement of the "datenschutzkritische Spackeria"/"the privacy
criticizing Spackeria". Gregor Sedlag/c-base (DE). Julian Oliver (NZ/DE),
Danja Vasiliev (RU/DE), Tatiana Bazzichelli (IT/DE).

The *Queer Shifts* /Sliding visions into queer Berlin panel focused on the
public adventures in the space-time travel of identity deconstruction, that
enter into the a-critical use of the 'community' concept, the role of the
new world migrants as shifters/shiftees and the description of “queer” as a
market identities’ crystallisation.
Lena Braun (DE) / Gallery Su de Coucou; Walter Crasshole (USA/DE)
/Exberliner; Danilo Rosato (IT/DE) and Antonella Pintus aka Anna Bolena
(IT/DE) /Homopatik. Moderated by Francesco "Warbear" Macarone Palmieri

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