[Metalab] Before I die

Jozef Kutej jozef at kutej.net
Wed Apr 13 21:25:20 CEST 2011

On 2011-04-13 07:23, Thomas R. Koll wrote:
> Am 13.04.2011 um 02:37 schrieb Martin Schürrer:
>> Möchte noch jemand mitmachen?

good idea, but you have already more then enough volunteers, right? :-)

> hey aber etwas anders sollt der Spruch schon sein. Wie wär's mit:

the answer to this question is too intimate to post on the web. but the
wall in the city is a great idea to inspire self and others.

> "Hier hätte ich gern..."
> * einen Park
> * ein Haus
> * ein Schlauchboot
> * ein Hackerspaces HQ 
> * ...

having "The Cult of Having"? [1] there are things beyond possession, but
let's (hopefully) see later on the wall!

> Thomas R. "TomK32" Koll
> just a geek trying to change the world
> http://ananasblau.com

The harder you try to change, the worse it can get. Does this mean that
a certain degree of passivity is all right? Yes, the more you resist
something, the greater power you give to it. That's the meaning, I
think, of Jesus' words: "When someone strikes you on the right cheek,
offer him your left as well." You always empower the demons you fight.
That's very Oriental. But if you flow with the enemy, you overcome the
enemy. How does one cope with evil? Not by fighting it but by
understanding it. In understanding, it disappears. How does one cope
with darkness? Not with one's fist. You don't chase darkness out of the
room with a broom, you turn on the light. The more you fight darkness,
the more real it becomes to you, and the more you exhaust yourself.

have fun!


[1] http://jozef.kutej.net/2011/04/the-cult-of-having.html

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