[Metalab] openFrameworks workshop, anyone?

Michael Zeltner m at niij.org
Thu Feb 11 17:33:56 CET 2010


Stefanie of Mz Baltazars Laboratory
(http://metalab.at/wiki/Miss_Baltazars_Laboratory) asked me if I
wanted to give a workshop on openFrameworks
(http://openframeworks.cc/) sometime soon. After a bit of discussion
we concluded it would be better to provide the workshop for the
general public.

Quick intro: [openFrameworks is] (for) folks using computers for
creative, artistic expression, and who would like low level access to
the data inside of media in order manipulate, analyze or explore. That
audience we felt was significantly underserved by the current crop of
C++ libraries

In other words, a much more sensible and fast version of Processing
(http://processing.org/) that also works on iPhones

What the workshop would be:
* An introduction into OS X/Linux/Windows and iPhone environments and
how you manage the (unfortunately annoying) IDEs (Code::Blocks and
* Give a capability overview of shipped libraries
* Show you how to use addons such as ofxFBOTexture or ofxMultiTouch
* Going over a few small examples incorporating sound/videos/accelerometers
* Basically get you started with a flexible environment for whatever
you might want to do - be it video tracking, serial communication with
an Arduino, or creative iPhone programming in C++

What it wouldn't be:
* An in-depth C++ or programming introduction - please bring at least
a little bit of Processing experience, then we'll be able to work it
* An OpenGL/3D programming introduction (for that please see
http://metalab.at/wiki/Computergraphik-Einfuehrung - I'm looking
forward to that myself)

No specific date yet, but mid-March. Will announce when I've found a date.

You tell me! Add your name on
http://metalab.at/wiki/OpenFrameworks_Intro#Who in case of interest

Would be fun to have a few people around,

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