[Metalab] 2D Physics

Chris Hager chris at linuxuser.at
Sat May 3 11:22:51 CEST 2008

Hey Guys!

Sorry about the technical difficulties yesterday at the lightning talk :)

The home of our project is http://elements.linuxuser.at/. You can 
download the sources currently only via svn:

  svn co http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/elements

We have ported the Box2D physics engine to Python 2.5 and are writing an 
API for simplified usage. Current supported drawing methods are pygame, 
Cairo and OpenGL. Also included are a lot of examples for using Box2D 
(and Chipmunk) with Python. Absolutely use "python -OO demo....py", as 
the optimisation flags usually gain an extra 10 fps.

Enjoy trying it out!

- Chris


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