AW: [Metalab] Robotics

Marius Kintel kintel at
Wed Feb 21 11:32:41 CET 2007

On 21. feb. 2007, at 10:22, Andreas.Trawoeger at wrote:

> Bin noch nicht dazu gekommen ihn mir näher anzuschauen, aber der  
> iRobot Create ( sieht recht brauchbar aus und ist  
> ziemlich preiswert.
If anyone is ordering iRobots, I'm in for one as well!

These things are quite robust, high-quality and reasonably priced for  
what you get.
They should be quite hackable as well, but they use a relatively weak  
Atmel microcontroller, so you don't want to install Linux on it.  
Attaching a Gumstix to it and talking to the robot in real-time over  
serial/USB should be easy though.

~/= Marius

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