[Devops] Monitoring sucks indeed... Who's coming today?

Oskar Maria Grande musha68k at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 10:47:21 UTC 2012

This is relevant to my interests.

Currently I'm not that much interested in the system monitoring side as much as the application side (processes & generated/touched logs/data).

For that reason I've been dabbling with http://logstash.net for some hours - it's a "tool for managing events and logs" and "you can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them for later use (like for searching)" so far I've been very much intrigued.

I could informally (sorry didn't have/take the time..) talk about that use case mostly to reflect as I am still in the process of grokking the problem space myself.

Logstash is written in Ruby (packaged as a jruby jar for speed reasons and ease of deployment) and uses RabbitMQ as its message queue and Elastic Search as data/search backend but is easily extendable e.g. with custom defined plugins.

So I'm looking forward to today's devops meet up  (possibly also to hear about that Icinga Nagios fork mentioned on the Wiki page?)



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