[CNC] Geilomat XBox-Controller-Konfiguration

Peter Franck vic at ccc.de
Sun Apr 3 18:47:29 CEST 2016

Mich hat die etwas "unintuitive" Bedienung des xbox jog controllers schon
etwas länger genervt. Gestern Abend habe ich mal Abhilfe geschaffen in Form
eines neuen "glade.hal".

Das habe ich vorerst nur bei meinem "privaten" CNC-Starter installiert, will
es euch aber nicht vorenthalten. Besonderheit ist die intuitive Bedienrichtung
(Z-Stick nach unten -> Z-Achse fährt nach unten etc.)

Es folgt das Wunderwerk.

Beste Grüße,

# two "or" functions, a 2bit multiplexer plus three scalers
loadrt or2 count=2
loadrt mux4 count=1
loadrt scale count=3

# now we add them to the slower realtime thread: servo-thread
addf or2.0 servo-thread
addf or2.1 servo-thread
addf mux4.0 servo-thread
addf scale.0 servo-thread
addf scale.1 servo-thread
addf scale.2 servo-thread

# define speed settings
setp mux4.0.in0 0    # 0 => no motion unless a button is pressed
setp mux4.0.in1 50   # 50mm/min for touch off
setp mux4.0.in2 600  # medium speed
setp mux4.0.in3 2000 # rapid movement

# define 3 nets that hold our button inputs and map them to the "or" functions
# slow = X, medium = A, fast = B
net pad-speed-slow or2.0.in0 input.0.btn-x
net pad-speed-med or2.1.in0 input.0.btn-a
net pad-speed-fast or2.0.in1 or2.1.in1 input.0.btn-b

# Map will look like this:
# Bit 1 | Bit 0 | Resulting Speed | Button Pressed
# ------+-------+-----------------+---------------
#   0   |   0   |        0        |     None
#   0   |   1   |       50	  |      X		
#   1   |   0   |      600        |      A
#   1   |   1   |     2000        |      B

net joy-speed-1 mux4.0.sel0 <= or2.0.out
net joy-speed-2 mux4.0.sel1 <= or2.1.out

# map the result of the multiplexer to halui.jog-speed
net joy-speed-res halui.jog-speed <= mux4.0.out

# analog control of axis #

### new model by Vic for more intuitive jog motion * 2016-04-02 ###

# set scaling factors for analog joystick
net scaled-x scale.0.in <= input.0.abs-x-position
setp scale.0.gain 1
net scaled-y scale.1.in <= input.0.abs-y-position
setp scale.1.gain -1
net scaled-z scale.2.in <= input.0.abs-ry-position
setp scale.2.gain -1

# feed scaled signal into halui
net joy-x-jog halui.jog.0.analog <= scale.0.out
net joy-y-jog halui.jog.1.analog <= scale.1.out
net joy-z-jog halui.jog.2.analog <= scale.2.out

# digital control of axis
net joy-x-minus halui.jog.0.minus <= input.0.abs-hat0x-is-neg
net joy-x-plus halui.jog.0.plus <= input.0.abs-hat0x-is-pos

net joy-y-minus halui.jog.1.minus <= input.0.abs-hat0y-is-pos
net joy-y-plus halui.jog.1.plus <= input.0.abs-hat0y-is-neg

net joy-z-minus halui.jog.2.minus <= input.0.btn-tr
net joy-z-plus halui.jog.2.plus <= input.0.btn-tl


# show the current spindle speed in the top hoizontal bar
# we used the motion.spindle-speed thing allready in the main hal config, so
use the netname here to map it

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