[Blender] Ivitation to iCAT - International Conference on Additive Technologies, 16.-17. Okt. 2014, Wien - Exhibition

iCAT 2014 Exhibition icat2014 at f-ar.at
Sun Sep 7 23:24:19 CEST 2014

Dear Colleague,


this year we are organising the 5th International Conference on Additive Technologies, which will again host some of the most prominent names from the field of 3D printing, Rapid Prototyping or Additive Manufacturing in general. This year's conference is aimed into new developments and business opportunities enabled by the Additive technologies. We wish to present new findings and applications that emerged in the last two years and to find some new possibilities, and most important, try to learn on other people's mistakes ;-)


Therefore I am inviting you to contribute to our conference with your ideas and experiences and to help making it a valuable event of practical importance.


The conference will be held in Vienna between October 16th and 17th, with the preconference medical workshop on 15th of October, 2014.


More details can be found in the attached Announcement & Call for Papers as well as in the conference web page: www.icat.rapiman.net


Best regards, Igor Drstvensek




Viktorio Malisa


President F-AR Förderung der Automation und Robotik

Wien/Austria, http://www.f-ar.at/iCAT  

E: viktorio.malisa at f-ar.at

Treffen Plattform Automatisierungstechnik, 25. Juni 2014, 17:00h, Wr. Neudorf

Nächste Tagung: SiP-Robotik, 26. Juni 2014, 09:00-17:00h, Wien

Nächste Konferenz: iCAT - International Conference on Additive Technologies, 16.-17. Okt. 2014, Wien
Ball der Mechatronik, Wien 23. Jan. 2015: www.balldermechatronik.at


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