[Blender] Viennese Blend FOUR - World Blender Meetup Day

Simon Repp simon at vienneseblend.org
Sun Jun 22 17:40:05 CEST 2014

Hey folks,

Last meeting was fantastic, thanks a lot to everyone! :) So for July 
there's probably a one month break up ahead, but there was also some 
protest, so let's see, maybe not after all :D ... The date for August, 
meanwhile, is already fixed, and there's already a big plan, here's the 


Vienne Blend FOUR - World Blender Meetup Day

*Saturday, August 23rd, 2014, 13:00 until late night, at the Metalab 
<https://metalab.at> (Directions <https://metalab.at/wiki/Lage>)*

After what is probably going to be a one month summer break (but don't 
just count on it yet :)) we'll be having our fourth edition of Viennese 
Blend on the 23rd of August, and it's going to run ALL DAY! This meeting 
will be a joint effort with the first /World Blender Meetup Day/, and we 
are planning to have live-streaming from and to as much as 11 different 
cities and Blender Meetups all around the globe, featuring talks, 
workshops, discussions and the likes.

Thus, we should get planning! What will be our contribution to the 
/WBMD/? Anyone got some ace topics for presentation up her or his 
sleeve? Fire away and bring up ALL THE IDEAS on the mailing list 



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