[Startups] Jobs bei Soup: Ops, JavaScript

Christopher Clay / c3o metalab at c3o.org
Wed Sep 21 12:09:29 UTC 2011

[Gerne auch weiterleiten! Danke.]

* JavaScript platform engineer

You can not just use your favorite JavaScript frameworks and
libraries, but are skillful and confident enough to create your own?
Help us build up a developer-friendly framework for client-side "app"
development, including support for the latest and greatest HTML5
technologies (web workers, local storage, etc), multitouch UI,
internationalization, templating etc.
Benefits: Demonstrated experience writing libraries other people
depend on, experience with Backbone.js and other emerging client-side
frameworks. CoffeeScript fans welcome.
This position is full-time in Vienna. You will be a core team member,
shaping the future of the company as an equal with the founders. If
you're open to moving to Silicon Valley in the future, all the better.

* JavaScript/HTML5 app developer

Are you excited about all the new, rich ways to display and
interact with information in browsers?
Develop new beautiful, interactive, touch-ready visualizations of
multimedia data for our users or extend existing ones, using our own
JavaScript framework (making improvements and fixing bugs there
along the way) as well as client-side framework(s) of your choice.
If you've already played around (or are itching to do so) with
bleeding-edge client side tech like CSS transitions, 3D
transformations, HTML5 video and audio or WebGL, this job is for you.
Benefits: Excellent CSS skills, a sense of design and user-friendly
UI, experience with developing for mobile browsers
This position may be full-time, part-time or project-based. Remote
work possible, but local presence preferred.

* Scaling consultant

Are you a proven expert at scaling popular web apps? Do you know how
to make systems with lots of moving parts support hundreds of
thousands of users? Do you have experience with replicating Postgres
databases and planning virtualized environments, distributed file
systems, cloud-hosted architectures and everything else that modern
web apps require?
You will be responsible for overseeing our system architecture, taking
our setup to the next level and managing an infrastructure budget.
This position is part-time or project-based. Remote work possible.

* Operations generalist

You will be looking after our rack full of servers, making incremental
infrastructure changes to improve speed and uptime while our userbase
grows, as well as suggesting architecture changes and infrastructure
upgrades for the future.
You'll need to move terabytes of data around and administrate a dozen
servers running Debian Linux, working with technologies like OpenVZ,
Postgres, Apache2, Nginx, Git, GlusterFS, Memcache, Varnish, Redis,
Ruby, Python, Beanstalk, Puppet, God, Exim,…
While you don't need to have experience with all of these
technologies, familiarity with concepts like virtualization, load
balancing, automated deployment, caching, backups, monitoring,
streaming replication etc. is required, as is multi-year Linux
sysadmin experience in general.
This position is part-time in Vienna and includes on-call duty.

- - -

Soup (http://soup.io, http://soup.me) is a developer-driven, freshly-
funded, growing startup. You'll be joining a team of three working
with agile processes in a tight development cycle. While you will
have to be flexible and ready to take on responsibility and get stuff
done, we promise not to bother you with multi-page specifications,
interfering clients or pointy-haired bosses.
Full-time employees are paid competitively, guided by the standard
"Kollektivvertrag" contracts (full benefits).
We're located in a hip coworking space in Vienna, though at least a
partial future move to Silicon Valley is likely.
You are not required to speak German, but your English should be
adequate for elaborate technical discussions, knowledge transfer and

General advantages:
- Familiarity with the current version of Soup.io as a user
- Activity in open source projects, user groups, hacker communities, etc.
- Startup affinity, familiarity with the "lean startup" methodology,
metrics-driven development, agile development practices, etc.
- Marketing or SEO skills
- Immediate availability

We ♥ diversity: Members of groups underrepresented in the tech scene
will be given precedence. Please don't hesitate to apply.

To apply, email team at soup.io. No need for formalities, provide a
personal introduction and links to your work instead.
We're applying to you as much as you are applying to us: Feel free
to ask any questions you can think of.

Christopher Clay
Founder, http://soup.me
Tel: +43 676 770 17 84 - Skype: c3oorg - Jabber: hello at c3o.org
http://www.linkedin.com/in/christopherclay - http://twitter.com/c3o

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