[Metalab] Morgen Fr 8. Sep 18:00 -- Clojure Intro

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Thu Sep 7 14:15:40 CEST 2023

held by Ian Fernandez from Brazil:

--> https://metalab.at/wiki/Clojure_Intro

--- snip ---

== Clojure Intro ==

An alien language from an alien developer from Brazil [0]

I'll introduce the basics and I'll talk about why use such a
language around and for which purposes are being used, how to
help people on getting into it.

* Why Lisp? Why Lisp on top of a JVM ???
* Clojure basics [1]
* Clojure / Clojurescript / ClojureDart
* How to make a Clojure Project (options available)
* Full-stack Clojure(script) application
* Debug examples


2023-09-08 18:00 at Metalab Otterspace! [2]

--- snap ---

[0] https://github.com/ianffcs
[1] http://clojurescriptkoans.com/
[2] https://metalab.at/location.html

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