[Metalab] Frauen* bei Funkfeuer und in Meshnetzwerken

Jay Vaughan seclorum at icloud.com
Wed May 15 09:45:46 CEST 2019

> Feminismus hat das Anliegen, die Welt von dichotomen Geschlechtskonstruktionen
> und -stereotypen zu befreien, also auch Männer.

Conflating sexuality with technology is the dumbest thing ever, and frankly: degrading.

Technology is the only aspect of our civilisation capable of treating everyone equally, always. There is no such thing as a cis- fork.  Your iPhone doesn’t care if you’re gay, even if it was built by cis- MEN.  Tech doesn’t care about your gender identity - tech works equally, for everyone, always, whether it was constructed by LGBTQ human beings or not.  Whether it is used, eventually, by black lesbian attack helicopters from Mars, or .. not.  (Otherwise its not technology but rather culture.)

Show me one bit of tech built or promoted at Metalab that won’t work for a queer person - there isn’t any.   If there is a gay router that only routes traffic on the queer bit, I wanna know about it.  But because I’m a cis- breeder, I’ll be excluded from such discoveries?  Every single cis-/MGTOW/incel at the Metalab is happy and content to be using tech built by countless fags and queers in the tech world, and none of us have ever complained about it.  Ever.  Every single one of us at Metalab uses queer-originated tech, daily.

We embrace all of it because we are technologists.

Want more LGBTQ culture at Metalab?  Invite LGBTQ speakers to give great tech workshops, and make your language describing it inclusionary.  

All effective tech is inclusionary.  Tech is the only truly effective social equaliser.  It works for everyone, no matter what. No other -ism comes close in terms of delivering effective equality - not even feminism, and especially not a feminism which demands that technology be sexualised.


Jay Vaughan
seclorum at icloud.com

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