[Metalab] SIGNUM & 000 Eurorack Modules Workshops: 25., 26., 27.May 2016

Matthias Tarasiewicz parasew at gmail.com
Tue May 24 19:13:43 CEST 2016

SIGNUM_The invisible revealed: Workshop on presence, perception and noise.
Through the use of different sonification techniques and custom build
sensors and devices a taxonomy and archive of the electronic emission and
smog caused by modern devices and dead electronics will be held during the
festival. Listen frequencies beyond our hearing and visual threshold,
electromagnetic waves or siglent sounds – meaning caused by modern devices
– the patterns of ultraviolet and infrared light, vibrations of ferric
objects, friction caused by insects and underwater sounds, noises of
tectonic movements or lighting phenomena thousands of kilometres distant is
what participants could experience through being part of Víctor Mazón
Gardoqui´s open research. During the week a workshop related to techniques
of instrument and sensor design will be held, of erring the participants a
series of open tools for audio capturing, recording and manipulation. The
SIGNUM workshop will allow attendants to build and take home their own
device, which is designed to record and listen to sounds hidden in the
electromagnetic spectrum: those invisible frequencies, electromagnetic
fields and signals that constantly surround us but that we are usually
inaudible. The device includes a transducer, opticals, coils, germanium
diodes and a small loop antenna, which coheres sonically and allows users
to listen to surrounding signals that fall out of the human hearing range.
The workshop will also introduce participants to using the electromagnetic
spectrum within artistic practices. A series of collective audio recordings
and compositions will be produced during the festival, presenting the
result as a site specific performance.


000 Eurorack Modules Workshop (25., 26., 27.May 2016)
ab•er•rant (ə ber′ənt, ab′ər-), adj.
departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type;
exceptional; abnormal.

We welcome the øpen-hardware team “000” for the presentation of their new
aberrant analogue distortion and percussion modules, which are both
stand-alone and Eurorack. The Spanish/German team will present at Coded
Cultures their new set of analogue percussive tools in DIY workshops where
participants can build their own modular drum system. A talk/demo of the
tools and background will be presented during Open Hardware Europe Summit
in MAK.


Mp19_Øpenlab is open during the whole week from 11:00 - 20:00

Recycling old radios, light bulbs, VHS players, cassettes or Hi-Fi
equipment and this way creating proper audio tools. In this DIY hands-on
workshop the Mp19_Øpenlab team is presenting their new set of aberrant
analogue distortion and percussion devices, which are both stand-alone and
Eurorack. Participants will build their own device/s from e-junk and some
spare components.
An introduction to analogue percussive synthesis, concept and module design
of an aberrant modular drum machine and efx station, where the workshop
will cover both theory and practice about analogue circuit design,
percussion and noise. Each day is independent so participants can choose
when to join the workshop.
No previous experience in electronics but some e-junk and interest its

Location: Ehemalige Polizeistation am Hof 3
1010 Vienna, Austria
Coded Cultures OPENISM
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