[Metalab] ## Beyond Bureaucracy '16: Towards the Ecosystem

Alois PAULIN apaulin at caa.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Oct 23 10:01:46 CEST 2015

/// "Beyond Bureaucracy" :
/// Workshop & PhD Colloquium (@CeDEM, Austria) ///

Can we ... ?

... govern without bureaus? Can we go beyond what human kind had so far in terms of governing societies – go beyond electing representatives every couple of years, who then steer the vast bureaucratic machinery which we perceive as "the state"? Can we use ICTs to enable humanity to fundamentally restructure the government of the public domain?

Think about it for a while: we're the first generation in human civilization, which has available a ripe set of ICTs. Never ever in human history before we could interact in a way we can do nowadays. Besides: ICTs have reached a level of maturity and penetration in the last ten years, which enables us to go truly beyond approaches we have seen so far.

In the last few decades we have seen radical transformation in telecommunications, in transport, logistics, credit transfer, navigation, etc., etc. But we haven't yet seen transformation in the government of public matters. Well, sure, we saw things like online tax returns, e-voting, open data. But, let's be frank - that's only using ICTs to imitate old principles of government, it's not reaching beyond bureaus!

Mai 18-20, 2016 (deadline: December 7, 2016)
The BEYOND BUREAUCRACY workshop, Mai 2016, CeDEM (Austria, Europe)

You are young, ambitious, and (or) have great knowledge how to shape the future of government? Or just a great idea how to do so? Then come, participate in the "Beyond Bureaucracy" workshop in Mai 2016 (18-20th) at the CeDEM Conference in Krems (Austria, EU).

Curious? Go to http://bb16.event.tuwien.ac.at and find out more!

•	Can dislocated (potentially very large) groups of people make decisions about common assets or common matters, which do not need to be interpreted by institutions? 
•	Is it unavoidable to delegate decision-making to institutions (like parliaments, government agencies, ...)?
•	How can a society self-organize its common budget (taxes etc.)? 
•	Are institutions to collect, govern, and redistribute public assets absolutely necessary or can exaction be done self-organized?
•	Can core public-domain institutions be realized without central institutions? 
•	How can a society dynamically self-organize its public sector institutions / projects / programmes and bind them directly to collaborative decision making?
•	What are the challenges of the electronic identity? How can we overcome them to reach a system that will provide sustainable global identification for centuries to come?
•	Increased computerization of societal interactions comes with significant computing challenges. Can these be sufficiently addressed with classical computing approaches?
•	What would be the architecture and organization of such a government?

•	Sustainable, Non-Bureaucratic Government
•	E-government, open government and future government
•	Liquid Democratic Collaborative Decision-Making
•	Mass Online Deliberation
•	Crowd sourcing
•	Participatory Budgeting
•	Self-Organized Virtual Communities
•	Peer Production
•	Virtual Communities
•	Peer-to-Peer Credit Transfer, Virtual Currencies
•	Sustainable e-Identity
•	Sustainable Technology
•	Historical Lessons of Self-Organization

•	Pro/Contra discussions on above topics
•	Technologies that enable above topics

(sharing is caring :-) please help this cfp to spread! thanks!)

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Beyond Bureaucracy?
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Dr.Sc. Alois PAULIN, Univ. Dipl. Med. Kom., Univ. Ass.

Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics / E 183-2
Favoritenstr. 9-11, 1040 Vienna, Austria

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