[Metalab] Mendel90 kudos to prikle and urgent regarding firmware (plus some nice cat-gifs)

Michael Kafka m.kafka at aon.at
Sun Feb 15 22:42:37 CET 2015

Hi all,

BTW It's worth clicking the links to the imgur gifs ;)

first: thx to prikle for the last maintenance on the Mendel90
3D-printer, I noticed you cleaned all the dust and everything
and probably did other maintenance like lubricating, etc...
Hey, give us a little heads-up on what you did, It will be
greatly appreciated. This is a community effort and don't be
shy, if you contribute.

Tips fedora http://i.imgur.com/DtkDzyY.gif

I apologize for suspecting you changed the firmware, you were
the last one reported to have done something... my bad,
please take my apologies. I owe you a Mate or something!

About the firmware:

If there is a need for different parameters, please *ALWAYS*
inform everyone else, and don't just upload a different firmware
and leave it after you are done. "Works for me" attitude isn't
nice in a shared environment:

I believe the reason why I sometimes find a different firmware
with wrong parameters is the bit-rate. Problem is: if you upload
a different firmware the PID-regulated heatbed will be changed
to "bang-bang" mode (it is as bad as it sounds), support for
real arcs will go and the z-height will most like likely be
wrong as well as the Extruder-Steps-per-mm parameter which
I have calibrated some time ago.

If we don't agree to a common firmware it will be a never
ending story:

But there is no need to make it over-complicated:

I suggest, we leave the firmware as-is, if somebody needs
a different bit-rate than 250 kbit/s (I admit it's non-standard),
I can change it permanently to 230,4 or 115,2 kbit/s and everyone
will use the same setting. Can everyone agree to this? I can.

Please vote on: https://metalab.at/wiki/3DPrinter
(section Software / prerequisites) until end of march.

We will choose the maximum settings supported by everyone

Love, kisses and nice things for everyone


PS: The chocolate extruder for our Mendel90 is making progress...

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