[Metalab] On site help with a "hackathon" in Valencia?

CH ch at delitelabs.com
Fri Aug 28 12:29:07 CEST 2015


I m creating delitelabs, a non profit startup school in Valencia to promote more independence and self driven initiatives amongst young people here in Valencia.

For our first program starting Oct 5th, we have a prototyping week in week 3. I have reached out to the local hackers and they are willing to help structuring it, but they are mostly makers. 

Being Viennese, and having enjoyed a few beers at metalab back when you opened in 2006, I would like to ask if one / some of you would consider supporting our cause and try to help making the prototyping week a success. 

Background: there are going to be 4 teams รก ~5 people. In week 1 and 2 they have time to identify ideas.

Help needed for week 3: it would be great if we had some experienced support on site to help making the output of this week valuable. That's both, content and process wise.

Please just drop me an email if this sounds interesting to you: ch at delitelabs.com



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