[Metalab] IPod Reparatur

Jay Vaughan seclorum at mac.com
Thu Jan 30 15:45:51 CET 2014

> kennt jemand einen guten, günstigen IPod-Reparatur-Dienst in Wien, idealerweise einen der einen kostenlosen Kostenvoranschlag geben kann? Falls das von Bedeutung ist, es handelt sich um einen IPod Classic 5.5 80GB.

I just fixed one of these for a friend - replaced the hard drive.  The point is that you need the tools to open the damn things, but after this its really very easy to swap out the battery or hard drive.

If you think its just something simple like this, I’d be happy to meet you in the ‘lab and give you the ‘special iPod opening tools’, show you how to use them, and do the replacement.  

But debugging the thing in case its got a logic-board failure or some such thing .. hmm .. probably you should go to a professional for that. ;)


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