[Metalab] Gardenhack ;-)

Jay Vaughan seclorum at mac.com
Mon Jan 20 13:09:44 CET 2014

> OFF-TOPIC QUESTION: Does anyone know, where in Vienna you can buy seeds for different types of Chili Peppers? 

I have my own private stash - I’d be willing to donate a few starter seeds so you can get your Chili garden going .. or are you specifically looking for strains?  We’ve been growing Chili’s in our garden for 4 years now, and have a few generations going .. the plants are moved into our winter-house for now - but we will be making a seed collection soon.  So if you want ‘random chili seeds from known-good plants’, I can give you them .. but if you’re looking for specific strains, I’d have to see if we have what you want in our list.  (About 12 varieties of Chili in our collection.. I don’t recall the names off the top of my head, but we have a full scale, from “totally safe for 3 year olds” to “holy shit Daddies head just exploded, this is hilarious”.. varieties ..)


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