[Metalab] FYI: Metalab Firewall updated

MacLemon metalab.at at maclemon.at
Fri Jan 10 01:24:54 CET 2014

TL;DR Firewall successfully updated, Report any issues with a ticket[0]!


I've just updated the firmware of our firewall to fix some DNS issues that had popped up recently. Everything should be working fine again. If you have any trouble please open a ticket[0] and state whether they apply to IPv4 or IPv6.

Reminder for the still IPv6 averse:
You can happily use IPv6 with DHCP6 (on Windows) and stateless auto configuration SLAAC/RA (with all other operating systems) and you will get IPv6 addresses that are _not_ reachable from the big bad internets! If you're of the adventurous type you can even run IPv6 only and skip IPv4 altogether.

In case you actually do want to use a globally reachable IPv6 address, feel free to pick a few thousand from the range 2001:858:5:3a42:: (/56) and document[1] it!

Best regards

PS: Be excellent to each other! We never filter any outgoing traffic. We never look at your packets.

[0]:https://metalab.at/issues/ "Metalab issue tracker"
[1]:https://metalab.at/wiki/Netzwerk/Adressen "Network IP documentation"

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