[Metalab] Wiki Gardening

Peter J. Holzer hjp at hjp.at
Tue Jan 15 23:20:50 CET 2013

On 2013-01-14 17:44:43 +0100, overflo wrote:
> captchas are automatically cracked these days..
> i'd suggest to implement the raumzeitlabor time thing or something
> similar that needs a certain understanding of the language + human
> skills to figure it out..
> i saw a kitten captcha once..
> there were 20 kittens and one puppy.. you click the puppy you get
> in.. something like this..

The problem with kittenauth and similar captchas is that there are
usually too few combinations: If you have to click on the right image
out of 21, you have a 5 % chance even if you are guessing blindly. And
if you guess wrong, you have another 5 % chance at the next try. A human
might become bored or annoyed before getting in, but bots are patient.

If there are enough combinations to make it hard for bots, it becomes
hard for humans, too.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Der eigene Verstand bleibt gefühlt messer-
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | scharf. Aber die restliche Welt blickt's
| |   | hjp at hjp.at         | immer weniger.
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |   -- Matthias Kohrs in desd
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