[Metalab] shipping a "classic computer"

fin fin at xbhd.org
Tue Apr 30 01:59:20 CEST 2013

ohai metalab,

ein freund eines freundes aus den USA trat an mich mit einer bitte
heran, ihm zu helfen, einen "classic computer (6 cpus when 2 was
exotic!)" aus wien in die USA zu schicken.

das trum sieht so aus:

warum das ganze?

> that model is interesting because it was the first mass-marketed SMP system with _more_ than 2 cpus.
> It can have up to 5. Up until then the most you got were 2 processors, and they pretty much all has Intel
> chipsets (Neptune, Orion, Triton II, etc). This one had the exotic CBUS-II from Corollary.
> Corollary was eventually purchased by Intel.
> I want to try and run the most modern Linux kernel (currently 3.9) on the oldest SMP systems I can find.
> Hence, I want to try it on the PC Server 720.

der server steht: "not far from Media Markt Wien Nord. Otto
Storchgasse / Shuttleworthstrasse, oposit of ÖAMTC."

zu tun wär: gut verpacken (hat wer große kartons?) zur post bringen,
shippen. kosten kann ich uebernehmen, wird erstattet.

hat jemand lust, das mit mir zu erledigen?


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