[Metalab] neueste Office Home Version!

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Wed Apr 3 19:41:54 CEST 2013

> was geht mit der welt?

One of my first professional development jobs in the early 80's was to make a Hazeltine HZ1500 terminal emulator for MSDOS so that my client could migrate from a massively deployed terminal-based mainframe computer system, where everyone had to have a HZ1500 (they were getting hard to buy even back then), to cheap and 'powerful' MSDOS machines on every desk.  The idea being they'd still have their HZ1500 interface to the mainframe, but could then move over to running applications on the local PC's for their users as well.

This was a lucrative project, and I fondly remember the days when "network-based computing is going to be replaced by computing power on every desk that will make the mainframe redundant".  The idea was really appealing: users could have their own data locally, would be responsible for their own backups (the machines had floppy drives) and so on.. reducing the load and expense of maintaining a full-blown computer operations center with support staff and all that.

It was neat. 

And now, here we are again, brains the sizes of planets, sitting in our pockets.  Oh, by the way, we want to take away all that nasty 'local user has control/responsibility' thing and move things back .. out .. into .. "the cloud" .. well, they call it the cloud, but I know what it really is: mainframe-style, operator-controlled, dumb-terminal computing, the user has no responsibilities for their data any more.  Just like it used to be.  All over again.

The older I get, the more I realize that the computer business is a huge scam.

Jay Vaughan

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