[Metalab] Fr. 29.6. Metaday #52 - Deb Chachra: The Map is Not the Terrain: Materials and Makers

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Tue Jun 26 00:41:23 CEST 2012

--> http://metalab.at/wiki/Metaday_52   

 Einmal im Monat lädt das Metalab Vortragende aus aller Welt ein, bei uns von
 ihren Projekten und Ideen zu erzählen. Anschließend gibt es Platz für Lightning
 Talks, wo Besucher aktuelle Unternehmungen und Vorhaben vorstellen können,
 sowie ein Buffet und gemütliches Ambiente für Diskussion und Austausch.

The Metalab is glad to invite everyone interested to Metaday #52

    on Friday, June 29 2012, 19:30 (20:00)
    at Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, https://metalab.at/wiki/Lage
    downtown Vienna close to the city hall – free entry 

== The Map is Not the Terrain: Materials and Makers ==

Lecturer:   Debbie Chachra, PhD;
            Associate Professor of Materials Science

Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is opening up a world of opportunity: to make
iterated, one-off, or complex objects, without large-scale industrial equipment.
But the digital description of an object is not the object itself. To maximise the
potential of 3D printing, makers need to think about materials: what materials can
be used, how processing affects the properties, and post-processing of fabricated
objects. This talk (and demos) will get you to think about what you already know
about materials, begin to learn how the material properties change with manufacturing
techniques, and encourage to explore (and increase!) the range of materials you use.

Speaker: Deb Chachra is an an associate professor at the Franklin W. Olin College
of Engineering. - She writes:

» I’M AN EDUCATOR AND RESEARCHER. I do research on the engineering student experience,
and work with faculty from other engineering schools to help them develop and use new
curricula and pedagogies. I also facilitate workshops around gender and technology.
I write a quarterly column, Reinvention, for ASEE Prism magazine. I’M A MATERIALS
SCIENTIST. I study biological materials, mostly. Right now my students and I are
investigating a type of plastic made by bees. I DO OTHER THINGS. [...] I LIKE TO
TALK TO PEOPLE. [...] « -- read more on www.debcha.com and in her CV

== Lightning Talks ==

Lightning Talks are a entertaining format of short lectures presenting current
ideas, ongoing projects and particularly work-in-progress. The length of a talk
is strictly limited to 5 minutes. You're invited to add your talk yourself.

== Afterparty ==

Buffet, wine and ambient/downtempo chillout music

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