[Metalab] Fwd: [Syn2cat-Announce] HaxoGreen 2012 - Call for Proposal

Charel Büchler charel at hackerspace.lu
Fri Feb 10 08:10:51 CET 2012


This is a call for proposals for talks and workshops at the
HaxoGreen 2012 SummerCamp, from July 26-29 2012, in
Dudelange, Luxembourg, Europe
Deadline Abstracts: May 15th, 2012
Please retweet ;)

After more than 80 satisfied campers in 2010 [0], the long awaited
third iteration of HaxoGreen, in its 2012 edition is finally here! After
a very successful start into the forays of international hackcamps and
hackerfests, hackerspaces and hackerspace-folks from all over Europe and
beyond will meet for an informal exchange of knowledge on the this third
iteration of our 4-day outdoors summer-camp.

Still cosy at a maximum of 140 people, still at the same perfect setting
that offers commodities for shopping, outdoors for camping and areas
filled to the brink with adventure and history [1,2] at the same
time. The camp will take place from Thursday, July 26th till Sunday,
July 29th and be bristling with geeks and their innovative ideas.

Talks, workshops, live music in the evenings, geocaching, fresh food and
most of all very interesting people make this an event that is not to be

Whether you're hacking on your project, looking for new and exciting
ideas or just craving to share 3 midsummer nights outdoors, socialising
with other hackers, artists and geeks, HaxoGreen is the place to be.
No need to be a 1337 H4X0r, we welcome all inquisitive people from
around the globe.

The camp is organized by syn2cat a.s.b.l. [3], the association that
brought you the Luxembourgian hackerspace. We appreciate your
participation, be it by holding a lecture, tutoring a workshop or
presenting your projects and ideas during a 10 min lightning talk.

The camp is located at the scouts' grounds near the city of Dudelange in
the southern region of Luxembourg.
The camping ground features adequate restrooms and shower facilities.
Indoor rooms for lectures and workshops are also available.
The nearby town of Dudelange, near the borders to France and Germany,
offers access to shops and markets for all of your grocery needs.

Participate with your lectures, panel discussions, workshops, or
lightning talks. (Though you can give a lightning talk without
submitting its topic.) Your lectures and workshops don't have to be
centered on or limited to technology. Lectures with a background in
society, community, science and art are welcome as well.
Here are some examples of the inter-disciplinary fields that our
audience would be interested in, but feel free to suggest your own:

* Green IT and Green Hacks
* Virtualized Environments
* Mobile applications and malware
* Radio and Mobile Communications (GNURadio, etc.)
* QrCodes and other means of XSRF
* Cloud Computing
* Darknets and Hackerspaces
* Computer Security Incident Response and Mitigation
* Do-it-yourself Science
* Molecular Gastronomy
* Amateur Robotics
* Electronic Art (vj, dj, interactive installations etc.)
* Net politics, Net neutrality, Intellectual Property and Privacy
Aspects (SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, you name it!)
* Active/Liquid Democracy and Political Activism
* Sustainable Housing and eco-friendly Living ...and anything that is
not on the list.

We invite you to make use of our pentabarf submission system at [5] in
order to submit your talk, workshop or other event.
Please don't hesitate to ask questions via mail (see INQUIRIES) if
everything is not clear.

Deadline Abstracts: May 15th, 2012
Acceptance Notification: May 22nd, 2012
Papers are welcomed, but not mandatory. Submitted papers can be
published on the camp website/schedule.
Please don't forget to mention any hardware or software requirements
that your talk or workshop includes.
We would be happy for every distributed version of the CfP.

For any questions about this camp, send an email to camp at hackerspace.lu
or check out our website [4].

HaxoGreen 2012 SummerCamp is a low-budget operation entirely run by
volunteers. (w00t, we went from zero to low ;))
We therefore cannot help anyone but those who present or tutor workshops
with their food, travel and accommodation expenses.
Contact us for more information.


[1] http://www.industrie.lu/arbeddudelange.html
[2] http://www.cdmh.lu/
[3] http://www.syn2cat.lu
[4] http://www.haxogreen.lu
[5] http://cfp.haxogreen.lu/submission/hg2012

syn2cat-announce mailing list
syn2cat-announce at lists.hackerspace.lu
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