[Metalab] Apple Keyboard

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Sun Mar 7 13:28:12 CET 2010

> Isn't the problem that your expectation is wrong and the apps are
> really doing exactly what you _should_ expect on a Mac (I'm presuming
> you're using OS X), i.e. the issue hasn't got anything to do with the
> keyboard itself anyways?

Yes, this is the case .. the Apple keyboard produces keycodes just  
like a normal PC keyboard - its the apps which interpret what to do  
with the results.

I use an Apple keyboard (big white one) at work with my Linux machine  
- apart from needing to set up US/Austrian keymaps (I occasionally  
have a need for a bit of üöä), it functions like any other keyboard on  
a Linux PC ..

To get to beginning-of-line instead of top-of-document, I think you  
use control-Home or shift-Home in most OSX Apps ..

Jay Vaughan

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