[Metalab] Vienna IT field salaries (Was: Metalab General Discussion List <metalab at lists.metalab.at>)

Thomas R. Koll tomk32 at tomk32.de
Mon Aug 2 14:22:06 CEST 2010

Am 02.08.2010 um 13:52 schrieb Sergey V. Mikhanov:
> Glad you have mentioned that. Look how gently you have been pushed one
> step closer to the Karlsplatz passage folks. "Tomas, there's no need
> to work hard, you won't get any reward anyway". That's sooooo good for
> you in particular and local economy in general, you know.

No, the point was:
If you work 5 days for €3500/month brutto you make 2.138,49 netto
but if you work only 4 days for €2800 brutto you make 1.812,82 netto,
only 300 netto less, that's 16% and 20% less.

Fact is: We are working in an industry where we can make a lot money
but also reach the top barrier tax-wise and pay an aweful lot of taxes for that.
This is not me being lazy, but me being smart enough that my work
on a Friday is (netto) worth less than it's on the first days of the week.

And for god's sake, don't rant about me being bad to the local economy, because
if more (high paid) ppl would work work there would be more jobs and less unemployment.

And finally, as already mentioned: I'm making the best of my free time by working
on my own project which turn into profit one way or the other.
If my projects don't make profit money-wise then I've still done and learned something new,
something that will put me ahead of you who only does his job and doesn't broaden his skills.

ciao, tom

Thomas R. "TomK32" Koll
just a geek trying to change the world
http://ananasblau.com || http://photostre.am || http://photolog.at

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