[Metalab] ableton workshop für geld?

Christian Benke benkokakao at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 13:42:09 CEST 2009

Gnah! There was an discussion on the core list about the
gender-aspect, there was a discussion on the intern-list(in february)
about the commercial aspect and there was a discussion in RL about
both aspects(money, gender) at the last jour fix.

We are generally NOT willing to host commercial events at the metalab
- inquiries, which reached us only every half year so far, will be
decided case by case(As decided at the last Jour-Fix).

NO, the space is not for rent and the donation we receive for this
workshop merely covers the cost of operation(And everyone would be
happier if it was a free-of-charge workshop, but alas, a communication
mistake was made and i(personally) agreed on the workshop before i
knew it was not free and before there was said internal "case-by-case"
discussion. The gender-topic is another story however.).

This is haunting me since a month now and i'd be very glad if i don't
have to fight yet another discussion - it's been decided, i've
publically explained the reasons for the decision - so have mercy and
let it rest. Please. Thanks.


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