[Metalab] Android Development

Chris Hager chris at linuxuser.at
Fri Feb 6 14:10:56 CET 2009

Hi all!

I've just got my G1 and started playing around with the SDK... it's 
actually quite simple. There is a great "Android Developer Tools" 
package () containing an emulator and numerous other tools, as well as a 
lot of source code (). Google recommends using its Eclipse Extension () 
which I've tried and have to say that I'm really blown away. Swift and 
seamless integration without setting a lot of options; if you press the 
run button it copies the app in the emulator and runs it (), etc...

Long story short, it's easy and fun to develop for that plattform and I 
thought it might be fun to have an android hacking session at metalab. 
Maybe some ofyou guys are interested in developing for the android 
plattform; I think for any project it's a huge benefit to have people on 
board that are not programmers, but have other skills like  
graphics/design, etc (which most coders lack a bit of... ;- )

Maybe we can start some cool projects! Anyway, would be glad to hear 
some feedback about your interests / experiences!

- Chris

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