[Metalab] watching DVD together- "here comes science" - tue or wed - it's got a "CAD song" \Oo/

Sauermann Leo leo.sauermann at gnowsis.com
Sun Dec 27 17:09:10 CET 2009

I will sit sometimes in the smoking corner and watch this DVD:


I have seen it multiple times already, but want to share my experience with interested labbers (of course, friends also welcome). Its great! The LAZZOR/reprap fans will especially love the video of the song

"Computer Assisted Design" (CAD).

40 minutes long.

please doodle when you prefer to watch:

I looked in the calendar - nothing else on these nights.
If I collide with someone else's plans -  please say so.
Will someone with a metalab-door-key be there? Then also add your name to the doodle (preferably with "has key" in the notes) so that we don't end up before a closed lab... thx!

kind regards
the Leobard

p.s. I seldomly watch dvds in the Raucherkammerl, but I assume from past experience that we have a sound system, dvd player, and projector up and running in the room. if not - please advise me what to do.

Leo Sauermann, Dr.
CEO and Founder

mail: leo.sauermann at gnowsis.com
mobile: +43 6991 gnowsis

helping people remember

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