[Metalab] John Draper aka Cap'n Crunch at net culture lab, Vienna, Monday, Sept 8, 10.30

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Tue Sep 2 20:57:12 CEST 2008

> Langsam beginne ich es wirklich sehr zu bedauern, dass ich
> kommende Woche in Norwegen bin. Jemand, der solche Reaktionen
> im ansonsten so normalitätsrelativistischen Metalab-Umfeld
> auslöst, muss ein höchst außergewöhnliches Individuum sein.
> Alleine deswegen hätte ich den Käpt'n gerne kennengelernt. ;)

I, also, find myself wishing you weren't in Norway, Kyrah, especially  
that now that the lines have all been drawn in the sand, I'd be paying  
due respect to the hilarity of watching the young haters^H^H^H^Hckers  
of the 'metalab' scene turn purple while *you*, of all people, chatted  
with the Dreaded Cap'n Crunch.  WTF, did some of you guys take the  
BLACK pill, or something?  Totally evil, dudes.  I suppose you don't  
like loud music or hot chicks who do drugs, either, sheesh.  Go home  
to your Mommies and warm milk, pansies!

Jay Vaughan

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