[Metalab] Fr., 2.11.2007: Metaday #8 - Viktor Szathmáry: Nextlab.hu - a Metalab Soulmate in Budapest

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Mon Oct 29 23:44:14 CET 2007

-> http://metalab.at/wiki/Metaday_8

 Einmal im Monat lädt das Metalab Vortragende aus aller Welt ein, bei uns
 von ihren Projekten und Ideen zu erzählen. Anschließend gibt es Platz für
 Lightning Talks, wo Besucher aktuelle Unternehmungen und Vorhaben vorstellen
 können, sowie ein Buffet und gemütliches Ambiente für Diskussion und Austausch. 

The Metalab is glad to invite everyone interested to Metaday #8

on Friday, 2. November 2007, 19:30
in the Metalab, Rathausstrasse 6, downtown Vienna close to the city hall.

== Nextlab - an Hungarian collaborative initiative ==

Nextlab is an initiative founded at the end of 2004, by a group of people of
diverse backgrounds. The aim of the group is to create an open, creative lab
to explore possibilities in new media, public space installations and
augmented reality by doing non-academic research an extensive experimentation.
The main goal is to create reflective, intelligent environments by permeating
our common surroundings with intelligence. 

The lab wishes to be a catalyst for the creative expression of artists,
architects, developers, designers with the active engagement of the audience.

Speaker: Viktor Szathmáry 

 (*1979, Budapest) software developer and architect with broad experience
 in online applications and enterprise integration. Co-founder of software
 development startup EU Edge. He views computing as a meta-language to
 connect people and enable the emergence of new thoughts. In his spare
 time he tinkers with electronic music. 


"I will introduce Nextlab, a media lab organization from Budapest. My talk
will cover the background and goals of Nextlab and provide an overview of
the various projects we have been involved with, and the technologies used.
Buzzwords include: satellite tracking, robotics, cheap chinese gadgets,
augmented reality, environment-responsive and generative architecture,
sensor mesh-networks. 

The key objective of the talk is to foster potential collaboration by giving
you an impression of what Nextlab is all about, and to try and capture some
of the lessons we have learned." 

== Lightning Talks ==

Lightning Talks are a entertaining format of short lectures presenting current
ideas, ongoing projects and particularly work-in-progress. The length of a
talk is strictly limited to 5 minutes. You're invited to add your talk below.

Chronological order subject to change:
- Isis: Das Königsberger Brückenproblem 
- .. 
- ..

== Afterparty ==

Buffet, wine and ambient/downtempo chillout music

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