[Metalab] KnockKnock

Constantin Hofstetter Consti at Consti.de
Mon Oct 22 00:14:07 CEST 2007


First version of my Metalab Door-System is almost finished:

Features included in Beta 0.8:
 * XML Output of Stats
 * Auto-Logoff after Timeout (which is set by the user (between 30mins and 10h))
 * Message servoce between users (you can send/recieve messages)
 * Optional Email/Twitter Notification 5 Minutes before Auto-Logoff
 * Optional 'Anonymous' switch to disable realname in XML output
 * Optional MACADDRESS support (doing a SNMP Walk on a router - beta ;))

Features to come:
 * XML-RPC for better third-party support

!! The system will be implemented sometime next week !!
Required information to obtain an account: Nickname and Barcode.
Optional information: Forename, Surname, Macaddress.

Users will be able to create their own "barcodes" (being Identifier
codes, between 4-15 digits) - these ID-numbers can either be printed
as barcode or typed in manually by using the num-pad.

Users with a macaddress in their account only have to sign up and not
deal with their barcode (they still can use their code to actually
'sign in/sign out' of the metalabm e.g. if the device with the
macaddress is not in the lab :) ).

The front-end system (i.e., the computer right after the entrance in
the metalab) runs fine in Firefox/Safari/Opera and does not support
Internet Explorer (*diedie*).

!! Do you guys and girls have any other features in mind, you would
like to see? !!

Au revoir,
| \_____________________________ __ _ _
|  Constantin Hofstetter
|    Tel: +49(0)8381-940425
|    Mob: +43(0)699-11525989
|    IM: (ICQ) 102573744; (AIM) consti2k;
|    Jabber: Constantin.Hofstetter at gmail.com;
|    Uniwien.de; Consti.de; Consti.at; hound.de;
|    PGP Key ID: 248AE7B6
|  Consti at Consti.de
\=============================== == = =

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