[Metalab] [Metalab-announce] [Sa., June 23., 20:30] dorkbot #3 - "hacking game machines", with martin pichlmair.

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Fri Jun 22 21:22:12 CEST 2007

Dorkbot gastiert im Metalab

--> http://metalab.at/wiki/Hacking_Game_Machines

== Hacking Game Machines == 

= dorkbot =

  The main goals of dorkbot vienna are: to create an informal, friendly
  environment in which people can talk about the work they're doing and
  to foster discussion about that work; to help bring together people
  from different backgrounds who are interested in similar things; to
  give us all an opportunity to see the strange things our neighbors are
  doing with electricity. dorkbot isn't really a forum for formal artist
  talks or lectures, but rather a chance for diverse people to have
  friendly conversations about interesting ideas.

= dorkbot #3 - hacking game machines = 

with martin pichlmair. <http://attacksyour.net/pi>

when:     Saturday, June 23, 2007, 8:30 PM 
duration: ~90 minutes 
where:    Metalab, Rathausstrasse 6, 1010 Vienna

Games are a defining medium of our time. The majority of them is produced
by multinational corporations, designed to appeal to the mass audience,
locked on drm-protected and region-coded data media, and sold, shrink-
wrapped in plastic. yet resourceful hackers and artists are working on the
liberation of this medium. serious games, homebrew games, and game art
are results of their great efforts. martin pichlmair and his guests will
present a number of game machine hacks - from a modified pinball machine
dating back to the 70s to musical instruments running on the nintendo ds. 

Let's crack open the game machine a bit further. 

Lecture/workshop in english language.
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