AW: [Metalab] Robotics

Marius Kintel kintel at
Thu Feb 22 11:07:19 CET 2007

On 22. feb. 2007, at 10:32, Ralf Schlatterbeck wrote:

> Have you looked into sensors/actuators the device comes with and what
> you can add? It doesn't look very hackable to me concerning the  
> hardware
> but I may be wrong... I'd like to use a robot to be able to do the
> robotchallenge courses, so I'd need some sensors to navigate on a line
> and get around obstacles etc...
They say that it ships with 30 sensors, although I cannot easily find  
a specification detailing these.
Regarding hackable hardware - this might be a valid point; the iRobot  
Create is "just" an automatic vacuum cleaner without a vacuum  
cleaner, so it's definitely not designed for expansion.

Navigation on a line: They have some "cliff sensors" (IR sensors),  
which might be able to distinguish between light & dark floor. I'm  
not familiar with the rules of robotchallenge though..

If we can get our hands on a couple of those thingies, I'm certain  
that we'll quite soon extablish the critical know-how in the lab.

~/= Marius

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