[Metalab] announce: funkfeuer.at presents "redeemer" a municipal wifi freenet provisioning software

Aaron Kaplan aaron at lo-res.org
Wed May 10 23:27:10 CEST 2006

please distribute to local interested groups
see below for the english version. 

--- german ---
funkfeuer freut sich, die interne provisioning software als GPL open
source freizugeben: http://sourceforge.net/projects/redeemer


Wir hoffen damit, den aufbau vieler wireless LAN freenets zu foerdern
und zu beschleunigen.

Was kann das?

redeemer ist eine fast komplette provisioning software.

Bei funkfeuer haben wir die IP vergabe durch eine zentrale node DB
geloest. Wir verwenden offizielle IPs. Deshalb war es recht naheliegend,
eine zentrale provisioning software zu machen. "redeemer" vergibt die
naechste freie IP und kuemmert sich um die restlichen
Anbindung an ein zentrales VOIP service (asterisk) ist gegeben.

Besonders interessant ist die Karte, die quasi als nebenprodukt
abfaellt. Siehe: http://sandwich.funkfeuer.at/patrick/map 

"redeemer" hat noch wenig doku und ist GPL. 
all coding credits: Wolfgang Nagele, Patrick Gaubatz.
GPL -> additions and modifications are welcome!

Viel spass!
Aaron Kaplan,
Pressesprecher funkfeuer.at

---------- snip ----- english ----------

Funkfeuer presents "redeemer": a GNU GPL WLAN freenetwork provisioning


We hope to make the process of setting up a mesh based community
wireless LAN and the extra services (VOIP, ..) much easier with this

What is it?

"redeemer" is an almost complete provisioning software for municipal
wifi freenets. http://sourceforge.net/projects/redeemer

It started because at funkfeuer.at we use official IP addresses. We also
did not want to rely on any autoconfig mechanism at that time. So we
wrote our own provisioning DB. As a side product we could create a very
nice real time map of the whole mesh network.
A sample map can be seen at: http://sandwich.funkfeuer.at/patrick/map
Another notable feature is the provisioning of VOIP (asterisk) configs.

The most practical feature however is the flexible driver framework:
want to add services? Just write a small driver that will feed your
service with the necessary data from the DB. 

"redeemer" still lacks documentation but it is licensed und the GPL.

All credits for coding go to: Wolfgang Nagele, Patrick Gaubatz
GPL -> additions and modifications are welcome!

Aaron Kaplan
press contact, funkfeuer.at

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