[Metalab-announce] Heute So, 16:00 - Michael Zeltner: OpenFrameworks Intro

Peter Kuhm peter at null.priv.at
Sun Mar 14 02:27:01 UTC 2010

--> http://metalab.at/wiki/OpenFrameworks_Intro

  openFrameworks is for "folks using computers for creative, artistic
  expression, and who would like low level access to the data inside of
  media in order manipulate, analyze or explore. That audience we felt
  was significantly underserved by the current crop of C++ libraries" [1] 

In other words, a much more sensible and fast version of Processing that
also works on iPhones.

=== When ===

* Sun., 14.3.2010, 16:00, Main room @ Metalab 

=== What the workshop would be ===

* An introduction into OS X/Linux/Windows and iPhone environments and how
  you manage the (unfortunately very annoying) IDEs (Code::Blocks and XCode)
* Give a capability overview of shipped libraries
* Show you how to use addons such as ofxFBOTexture or ofxMultiTouch
* Going over a few small examples incorporating sound/videos/network etc.
* Basically get you started with a flexible environment for whatever you
  might want to do - be it video tracking, serial communication with an
  Arduino, or creative iPhone programming in C++ 


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