[Ethereum] 3rd meetup and follow-up

Alexander Hirner a.hirner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 09:44:12 CEST 2014

Hey guys! It was a fantastic weekend. A small subcult (wink to David :), http://www.meetup.com/Ethereum-Vienna/photos/22346672/371814722/#371814692) showed Vitalik and Vlad from Ethereum around. Vlad, besides being a cool guy, is working on improving the PoW scheme. 

Later, Ralph opened the floor with a great walk-through on implementing a contract and its user interface. The recording will be put up later once cut. Subsequent discussions revealed more topics, such as how to implement a regional money system. These ideas and others will be refined in the weekly orga meetings which then lead to our next meetup. So chime in! 
Next one is tomorrow, Friday 18:00 @metalab.


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