[Devops] Yesterday's meetup - slides & links

Michael Friedrich michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at
Wed Feb 22 19:12:11 UTC 2012


Maciej Pasternacki wrote:
> Thanks for getting there in person and over the wire(less), and for great demos/discussion!

I really enjoyed finally meeting someone to discuss and gather feedback 
from :-) as well as new ideas for future directions, just like the 
"message queueing" which seems to become pretty popular.

> Tools mentioned:
> Icinga: https://www.icinga.org/ (new web ui demo: http://icinga-web.icinga.org/, classical ui demo: http://demo.icinga.org/)

the mentioned demo virtual appliances for debian/centos/suse are best to 
fetch from here: 
packages here: https://www.icinga.org/download/packages/

and to explain why some people in minnesota don't like me ;-) 

> Negios check_mk: http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk.html

just to note, that integrates with icinga pretty well too. especially on 
debian squeeze, you can take the python parts from testing 
(check-mk-server, check-mk-config-icinga) and install it like backports. 
that does not count for all binary compiled packages though. check_mk 
itsself remains a pita to create packages from.

i currently lack of time in order to write some howtos onto the icinga 
wiki... the online docs of checkmk are sometimes wrong or not really 

furthermore, for processing performance data (provided by plugins!) into 
rrd, pnp4nagios is pretty straight forward to setup 
(https://wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/Setting+up+PNP+with+Icinga) and 
got packages in debian squeeze-backports as well as repoforge rpms.


> Next meetup is on Tuesday, March 20. Same place, same time. Be there!

already saved the date :)

> Any ideas for a topic/presentation welcome :)

if i get the time to hack around with icinga-mq i might take that with me.

another topic i am currently working on are different data storage types 
next to rrd for longer aggregation (aka "i wanna know what dns dos 
happened on 21,1,2011 10:35")  like graphite (whisper) or the rdbms 
attempts (on icinga scope - inGraph, on dns scope - dscng). that's yet 
unclear if this can result in actual "show a demo".

if you got some icinga/nagios scoped topics or ideas, we can talk about 
that as well :)

talking about monitoring toolsets - the current nagios-plugins devs 
suffer from contributions and time. that would be worth a discussion as 
well which monitoring plugins are there, and which ones should most 
likely be added/compiled somewhere (if that hasn't happened somewhere in 
the past).

kind regards,

ps: some contact info below; twitter, irc, soup: dnsmichi

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

email:  michael.friedrich at univie.ac.at
phone:  +43 1 4277 14359
mobile: +43 664 60277 14359
fax:    +43 1 4277 14338
web:    http://www.univie.ac.at/zid

Lead Icinga Core Developer

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