Hallo!<br><br>Diese Javascript-Konferenz findet vom 14.-16. Februar in Budapest statt: <a href="http://mloc-js.com/" target="_blank">http://mloc-js.com/</a><span></span><span></span><br><br>"The event isn't gonna be huge, rather hard core."<br>
<br>Es gibt einen Early Bird Price Coupon: VIENNA<span></span><br><br>>>><br>How to scale JavaScript development?<br><br>Things have changed. Today JS is not the add-some-animation-to-my-website language anymore. It's the language of the web. On the client, on the server, on the mobile, everywhere. But let's face it: JS still has challenges in large scale application, like 1 million lines of code apps, aka 1mloc apps or with multiplatform development. What if we don't write JS, but we use it as an assembly language? Javascript as a runtime environment?<br>
<br>mloc.js presents talks and workshops for advanced developers about challenges of building and maintaining large and complex applications in JS. Special focus on:<br><br>generating JS from compiled languages<br>multiplatform development using JS as a runtime environment<br>
programming paradigms for safer, faster, more productive development<br>tools<br><br>The event isn't gonna be huge, rather hard core. We try to invite everyone who generates javascript, or works on multiplatform toolchains or knows about the internals of VMs. Propose a talk if you have any idea.<br>
<<<<br><br>LG<br><br>Raffael Kéménczy<br><br><a href="mailto:raffael@kemenczy.at" target="_blank">raffael@kemenczy.at</a><br><a href="http://www.kemenczy.at" target="_blank">www.kemenczy.at</a>